Friday, March 2, 2012


I've been playing a lot of defense this week.

It was one of those weeks where you have to trust in Jesus that everything is going to be ok, because if you don't, you're sunk.

I feel like a Whack-a-Mole game.

Each day, you never know if a person out there has a cushy, rubber hammer that they are going to slam into you and shriek with glee and excitement. Duck and cover is one option. But then you miss the play-by-play happenings of life. So I kept my head UP this week, and therefore got whacked a few times. There is only so much defense to be played when you are getting smacked repeatedly with a large rubber hammer...

But what I have learned through this RIDICULOUS week is: Stay the Course. Keep plugging along. Trust that Christ will get you through. Yet it is easy to fall into the misnomer that you can fix your own problems. But yet again, WHACK. 2x4 to the head. I cannot fix my own problems. It is out of my hands. Trust, and keep trusting that Christ has an awesome plan for something good to come out of the repeated whackings. Because He wouldn't send a good whack without a plan to back it up. :)

Here is my article of the week. This dude is playing defense too, but in a slightly different way: 

Don't let the rubber hammer smacks get you down.

Cheers to Friday

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