Friday, March 9, 2012


Although my life seems completely boring at the moment, it's changing, drastically.

How do you move forward when everything around you wants to stay stagnate? Remain stable. Follow the crowd. Hide behind the cube because it is so much easier then peeking out around the corner, and sprinting to the nearest exit, for fear of being locked within the cube forever... These feelings are continually bouncing around in my head. The desire to move forward and bust into amazing-awesome ground that I have never experienced before, and the desire to sit. To relish in the opportunity to be content, and happy with the gifts I have already been blessed with.

Soul-searching. To the max. Digging deeper to find the real reasons for everything you decide to do, day in and day out. THIS IS NOT EASY. It sounds like it would be. Loaf around and contempt life. Think. To think. How hard could that be??

It's draining. It's a time-sucker. It makes me have a constant little 'knit' between my eyebrows, and a slight hunch in my shoulders. And it's a never ending process. A wheel of thought. I've been in this exact "feeling" many times before. To stay the course and follow the "plan" or, completely fall off the band-wagon and run into the woods, buff on my head and vibrams on my feet. (my nirvana)

But despite all the factors that are fighting to keep me still, the urge to move always wins.


The butterflies go crazy in my stomach when given the chance to think about trying something that I never have before. Marking out and completing a path that seemed impossible, makes my heart go wild. It's a thrill-seeking concept. Yes, I may completely botch it and end up flat on my face (which I do repeatedly anyways) in the process, but at least I tried. I gave it all the hootzzpa that I've got.

And isn't that what Christ is asking for anyways? To just try. To live in Him. Walk the unbeaten, narrow path that few are following because it leads to eternal freedom?

Yep. That's what I'm going to do, for the rest of my life. He has blessed me beyond belief. Lavished and overflowed continual gifts even though I do not deserve them. So I will move. I will push forward into the creepily scary future, confident that if I face-plant, He will be there to pull me back up.


So here is my news article:
I know, lame transition, but this article somewhat goes along with what I wrote above...

Happy Friday. Get out and do something awesome today

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