Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Even though the title of this post alludes to maybe something deliciously, golden brown and munch-tastic, it's not. It refers to my brain. It's fried.

The looming test of death is approaching. It's on Saturday. The MCAT is on Saturday. And my brain is totally fried. Just done. Kaput. Shut off. Running on the fumes of the last few months of studying, because try as I might, everything with work and outside of work, is hectic crazy central. Therefore, studying and thinking about the test has kind of been put on the back burner. How could that possibly happen? Shouldn't it be on the front burner, glaring red and constantly on my mind?

Nope. I gave up.

Gave up on the anxiety, that is. I couldn't handle the frequent panic-attacks that were controlling my chest and my heart. So I prayed, and asked God to take the burden. Laid my anxieties on Him, because He cares for me. And whatever happens on Saturday, whether I truly am prepared or not (I feel like I'm NOT), is what God wants. If I completely crumble and fail, well then obviously I'm not ready yet to pursue something like medicine. If I FREAK OUT, about a test, 'is it A, or wait it's B, no no, it's A, but it could be B' and can't perform under pressure, then who says I'm cut out to make life decisions on command as a doctor!!??

Well, we shall see. I can't believe it's already time. I feel like I just started studying... oh boy...

But I almost want to say, BRING IT

Here is an article about a dude who is trying to conquer the world, I mean, country:

BAH, it's almost Saturday...


  1. You're gonna do great!!!! But good luck to you anyways in case you might need it.

  2. Good luck! Just remember that the largest organ in the human body is your skin, and sneezes can exceed 100 mph. Oh, and it is impossible to tickle yourself. Those will all be on the test.

    1. Thanks Jason. I will remember those for sure... :)
