Friday, April 20, 2012

Right here

Opportunities. Experiences. Adventures. How often do you take those, and run with them?

I had a day this week, unlike any other this year, that involved all three. An accumulation of a lot of thought, life, time, prayer, emotion, and travel  that led me to the door of someone simply spectacular. Someone who has done work, and is continuing to do work, on a population of patients that I hold quite dear to my heart. I met my sister's Orthopedic Surgeon on Wednesday, at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Besides finally meeting someone who took care of my sister, let's trump it up a bit. The meeting was on the day she went to heaven 12 years ago. That was the only date that worked for this doctor. Unbelievable. I took it as an amazing gift. To be in the same building, talking to this doctor, on the day she passed, right around the same time she passed. Dude! My heart could hardly believe it. And now I'm 24, 12 years after the fact, and this is the year 2012. Honestly, God couldn't have laid out a more beautiful day to experience this opportunity.

So let's revisit some other aspects of the day that just made my mouth fall open. I stayed with my Aunt in Lake City, MN the night before. Lake City is super close to Rochester and BONUS! I could hang with my Auntie. Since the appointment was not until the afternoon, and my aunt is a grade school teacher, I went to school with her in the morning. I helped out with the kids. We made kites, and did calisthenics outside in a big line, (hilarious) and I got the chance to play piano. The kids LOVE singing, and bless my dear aunt, but her hands never got to learn how to play music, together, at the same time, on the piano, :) so I got volunteered to play some hymns. Awesome. Some of the first songs that the kids wanted to sing were played at my sister's funeral. "On Eagle's Wings" and "I Know that My Redeemer Lives". I smiled inside. God let me play my sister's hymns to rowdy children singing to their hearts content. Beautiful.

And it gets more amazing, believe me! When I did get to Mayo, I had to wait a bit before the appointment. I was sitting in the large atrium, and listening to gorgeous piano music a man was playing on a Grand Piano. After a bit, I realized he was playing hymns from my hymnal. Oh my goodness. He was playing songs I totally recognized. And right before I went up to my appointment, he finished playing with one song. On Eagle's Wings.

This was all before I even got up to talk with the Doctor! Can you believe it?? I have never felt the overwhelming presence of God's hand, like I did on Wednesday. There was no where else I was supposed to be. There was no other place in the entire world that He wanted me to be; experiencing and moving forward with the adventure that He is unfolding for me.

It's hard to wrap my brain around the gift. The gift to share in discussion, my sister's case, with the Doctor who did surgery on her. The meeting I had with him was intense. I was trying so hard to keep my emotions intact. To not completely break down and wallow in the ridiculous-ness of the day. I somewhat managed. :) And he expressed to me the impact that my older sister made on him and the way he practices medicine. She changed everything. She made a lasting impact on someone who has been practicing medicine for over 20 years. How awesome. How spectacular to hear these truths coming from a world-renown Doc! And tears were brought to his eyes, as he acknowledged that he remembered which day it was too. He couldn't believe it happened this way either. Such a great meeting. I learned so much more about my sister, medically, that I've been waiting to hear about for a long time.

And after the meeting, I still had to drive back to Duluth. Lame. But I got to meet someone in the cities for dinner. Which made the day that much more awesome. There was Bargo going on at the place we ate. Seriously, if you want a good time, go to the Rail Station in Minneapolis around 8pm on Wednesdays. You will have a hard time hearing ANYTHING or finding a seat for that matter, but folks in their 50s and 60s are a hoot to watch play Bingo at the Bar. Bahahaha

I think I've rambled enough. Go find yourself an adventure and embrace it.

I know this really isn't an article, but I thought it was totally awesome and wanted to share:

Happy Friday!

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