Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dude! Pick up your feet!

Story of my life. My parents and teammates from various sports teams growing up can attest to the fact that I constantly needed to pick up my feet. I'd trip in basketball, softball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee. You name it, I've probably face-planted planning it.

Sure is no different today! I went for a run yesterday on the backside trails of Hartley that lead over to the trails between Hartley and Hawk Ridge. They are pretty technical and rocky at points, but so gorgeously beautiful that it doesn't matter. Anyways, I was about 4 mins into the run. Yeah, 4 mins, and I COMPLETELY biffed it. Like dolphin-flipper biffed it. You know what I mean. When you fall forward and your legs rock up behind you and your face and chest proceed to go forward into the ground so you look like a dolphin with their tail flipped up. Yeah. I fell like that. And I had leaves and dirt up my shirt and then down my pants and on my back? and on my arms and dirt smattered hands. Dude! PICK UP YOUR FEET. I don't even know what I was thinking about that made me totally forget that I was running among tree roots and rocks... It was quite a ker-splat. I have a nice raspberry on my right leg. Wooooo

But I finished the run. No more falls. And it got me thinking. I am terrible at trail running. Terrible. But I continue to do it and it continues to be one of my favorite activities of all time. Why?

Because it makes me happy. It makes me so happy. Who cares if I'm bad at it. I love doing it. This also goes along with my skills for riding bikes, and gardening, and sewing... I am not very good at any of these tasks either, but I enjoy doing them. Despite falling off the bikes, and spraying myself in the face with a hose, or poking myself and sewing over my fingers. They make me feel good and I laugh at myself in the process. Even better.

Go do something you're bad at today, and find yourself doubled-over in laughter.

Interesting article of the week:

Cheers to almost Friday!

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