Thursday, April 12, 2012


I find it hard to have courage sometimes. Especially when that courage is an acknowledgement of a mistake. An error. Who wouldn't? Why would anyone really want to cop to making a mistake? No one wants to be found guilty of doing something wrong...

But it brings change. Mistakes help move us forward. Hopefully, in the end, making something better then it was before. I had to swallow that horse-pill yesterday. At work, I came across a ginormous error. One that has been wrong for a while. And when I discovered it, I wanted to flee from my cube. Grab my purse and casually just slip out of the building. La de da. I'll be back next week when someone fixes this, because I don't want to deal with it...

But I didn't do that. Darn. I really wanted to though.

I gulped. I assessed the ridiculousness of the situation, and went fact finding. Getting all of my ducks in a row before presenting the so-called 'disaster' to the people that needed to see the problem. Ugh. Courage. I needed a bucket of courage. You are stuck in a situation that makes you feel icky, exposing a problem that makes you feel ickier. Oh yesterday was lame!

But I found the strength that I needed. I prayed for guidance and patience. Guidance to get through the muck, and patience to deal with the after-effects.

You know the cool part, though? The error that was found will now clear up an issue that has been going on for 4-5 years. How awesome is that? In the end, finding the courage to expose a mistake, in turn, making a change for the better. Today was a great day.

Here is my article for the week:
It's long, but you should take the time to read it. It was really interesting.

May you find courage amongst the icky.

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