Saturday, August 4, 2012


Family gatherings are weird and awkward. Always. You cannot hide from your great aunt Bertha. She will find you. As well as your great uncle Bob. They will both proceed to ask you what you are doing with your life. Multiple times. 

Oh my. How I just want to flee extended family gatherings, sometimes. The "I'm going to sit in this chair and watch people" card usually gets played on my end... 

It's just that phase of life I'm in, I guess. Not married, not in school, and working a job that no one has heard of... Oh joy. The awkward life phase. I would not trade it, for I am learning more and more about myself everyday, but it doesn't lend itself towards fun and exciting relative-engaging conversation. 

I would really just like to be watching the Olympics. All the time. 

But I love my family. I do! Really, I do! It's just when your 20 year old cousin gets married and all of the cousins have to get together to take a picture and you realize you're the oldest and the last time you saw some of them, they were in diapers... You might just then wonder, "What am I DOING here?"

Oh well.

I'll just keep looking ahead to maybe less-awkward conversations some time in the future...

Cheers to Saturday, everyone!

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