Saturday, August 11, 2012


I am having a hard time finishing my personal statement. It is driving me nuts. I want to chuck my computer out of the window and say good riddance.

Seriously, I have a nice computer. There is no reason I should chuck it.

Oh my goodness. WHINE. I am whining. UGH.

I want to put together something that is compelling. Something that will stand out and make the admissions council think to themselves, "I WANT TO TALK TO THIS WOMAN". (yes, just like that)

But I am not finding the right words. Believe me, I have found many other words to insert into the end of my statement like, "pick me", "I'm not stupid, I swear", and "you know you really want my money" but none of these phrases have the correct tone I am looking for...

So what do I do? How can I put into words the true meaning of why I want to practice medicine? It entangles so much more of my soul then simple words. There are big time emotions going on inside. "I love science" or "I want to help people" just doesn't cut it.

Oh geez.WHINE. whining.

I choose to procrastinate and blog instead. Yes, I am sure whining to the public will help immensely...

Happy Saturday to everyone else who is currently sitting on the couch

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