Tuesday, February 21, 2012


MCAT studying is kicking my behind. The full-throttle-wind-up-boot-kicking kind. Yeah. It's affecting my mood a bit.

Save me.

I'm not waving a white flag. I just need some ooomph. Some hooosssttppha! to keep going. To not let the scary thoughts about what happens if I lay an egg on test day, bombard my noggin'. I've been nose-to-book(s) since Thanksgiving. Reading, and taking notes, writing, and reviewing content. Sometimes I feel it is paying off, and sometimes I want to crawl under my desk and not come out for fear that the MCAT books will eat me.

I know what you're thinking: SUCK IT UP. Stop whining. This is all she talks about...

Believe me. I want to suck it up. I want to stop thinking about it. I want to retain all of the ridiculously cool knowledge that I have smashed into my brain, and spew it all out like no-ones-business on March 24th (Dooms Day). However, there are many more things to learn. One of which is the Writing Sample. It scares the living daylights out of me. The most recent prompt I had to write about: "In a democracy, a successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen" Explain the statement, give an example of when a successful politician does not resemble the ordinary citizen, and discuss what determines whether or not a successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen.

Seriously? Seriously??? That's not easy. It's not an opinion essay. You need to use examples. You have half an hour to write it. Go. Do it. See what you come up with and let me know because mine ran around in circles and I swear I used the word citizen 50 times.

So... yeah... rant is done. I will go for a run, do some yoga, make some dinner and maybe take a whack at a few prompts. No wallowing. No pity party. Good thoughts. Sunshine. Rainbows.

Bonnaroo 2012 anyone?


  1. Happy vibes from EC Ange! Hope the prompts go well, I'm sure you are your own biggest critic.

    1. Thanks dude. Happy vibes are much appreciated. Thanks for being my first comment. Totally awesome :)

  2. Keep your head up and do some soul cooking!

    1. I did do some soul cooking. :) Seared Ahi Tuna on a bed of spinach and broccoli with toasted almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Yum. Definitely made my soul feel better.

  3. I may have started drooling...sounds tasty!
