Thursday, February 9, 2012


I have a great story. It involves eggs. You all will appreciate this.

My roommate and I went to Sam's Club last week. Bonus! And we each were trying really hard to restrain ourselves from buying mass quantities of everything. (i.e. 48 cans of Diet Coke, lawn furniture?, a bucket of cheese-balls, and the assorted 5lb blocks of cheese) But we did well! Neither of us got anything super weird or too extravagant... except me... and the eggs...

What happened, really, is not that I wanted 36 eggs for $3 (such a good deal!!) for myself, but that my roommate and I would SPLIT the 36 eggs for $3. Whooops! When I got home, I handed her one of the two 18 packs of eggs, and she goes "What? I don't need any eggs. I thought it was a good deal, but was wondering why you needed that many eggs?"  Dunn, dunn, dunn... 36 eggs?? What am I going to do with 36 eggs!!??

Well, I hard-boiled 18 of them and have been eating them constantly. Mmmm, protein. I'm doing well! Only two left. Now I only have 20 eggs left... Omelets anyone? Souffle maybe??

In other news, here is my article of the week. This person Did Not lay an egg...

And yes, I read the whole article. High Five!

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