Friday, October 28, 2011


I have really curly hair. Like really. curly. hair. And I have always kept it long. Long, luscious, curls. But not any more! I chopped it all off! Muah ha ha ha. Now my hair bounces. Everywhere I walk. Bounce. bounce. bounce.

I decided I wanted to donate my hair a while ago. I work in a Cancer Center and walk through a facility where people receive their chemotherapy treatment through an IV. I walk through all the time to get water and ice from a dispenser in the back. I walk past people that have no hair. Every day. Every single day. So I felt the urge to do something. Some people looked so sad. Or I felt they were looking at me longing, for their hair to grow back, like mine. Pretty life-changing, life-tugging, emotional glances. I also walk by a room that is filled with wigs. Filled! And I wanted to help. I wanted to give something of me, that could be life-changing for someone else. Hair. As simple as that. Cut it off. Donate it. Give. Share the curls. Let someone else be able to bounce down the hallway. Spring in their step with confidence that they have luscious, curly locks. Yep, sign me up.

Hands DOWN one of the coolest things I've done in a LONG time. I walked in to the Salon, (I went to a woman named Adeline, she is FANTASTIC! check her out the next time you get a hair-cut, if you live in Duluth.) pretty nervous and timid. Sat down in the hair-chopping chair, about to pee my pants in terror. But Adeline totally knew what she was doing. Before I even had time to process what was going on, my hair was in a pony-tail, then it... wasn't. Gone. GONE were the locks. Still in a pony-tail, but not on my head. WHOA! Totally crazy/awesome. Then she went to work, sculpting a bob of bouncy curls. Phenomenal. My favorite part was braiding the now cut-off pony, and putting it into a puffy package to send to Wigs for Kids. A non-profit that relies on donations to make wigs for children who have cancer or some sort of disease that prevents them from growing hair. So great. So. Great.

So now I get to bounce. My inner-happy-bouncy-nature can express itself wherever I go. On a run? Most definitely, wind in short curls, bouncing all the way. In the kitchen? Oh yeah, bouncing around making bread like a champ. On the way to work? Well, who really wants to go to work. But now I can bounce around to get my ice water, knowing that soon, someone else might get to feel just like me. Bomb diggity.

Great job, parents! Thanks for the curls. Truly blessed

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