Thursday, November 10, 2011

Civil Wars

I got to go to a Civil Wars concert in the cities last night. Have you ever heard of them? If you haven't, sprint to a computer. Yes, sprint! It will pay off in the long run because you will hear delicious music that will calm your ridiculously beating heart, since the last time you sprinted was, never? Anyways, get to this music fast. It's phenomenal.

Soul-music. Not Kentucky Fried Chicken soul-ness, but grasp at your heart, stomp your feet and sing at the top of your lungs, soul-music. It is. That is why it is amazing. That is why I wanted desperately to go hear it. To be moved, to have my soul rocked, to ache for more, scream, whoop, holla, DUDE! It was fantastic. I could hardly stand to sit in my seat. I was wiggling and slappin' my legs, clapping my hands, moving my head, jamming. Completely jamming. It was at this BEAUTIFUL theater in the cities too. You know the ones that are stadium seating, with plush chairs, and big bold architecture that makes you feel like you just walked into the early 1900's? Yeah, that sort of place. So there was no 'area' to dance in, you sat in a plush-cushy chair. And listened, and yearned for more.

I went with a great friend who was just as excited as I was to hear the music. I think that is most important. To go with someone that is also going to feel moved, tugged in the direction of the stage, begging to play just one more song, please?!? It was great. Music and friendship. Huge emotions, yet simple. Just listening to music. Nothing more. But there wasn't anywhere else I wanted to be.

In. The. Moment. All the way. Find a way to be in the moment today. You will thank me later.

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