Monday, September 26, 2011

Yip Yip... On By... Ha... Ge...

   In a past lifetime, I would have been a sled dog. Hands down.
Beautiful, strong, and fast. Ready to run, happy to run, in the freeeeezzzing cold, and on trail. Running for hours and never getting tired. Running when the sun goes down, and running when the sun comes up.

Yep, I would have been a sled dog.

So I got to experience this magical land called the U.P. this past weekend. That would be the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for anyone who is deft enough to not know what that is. If you live in northern anywhere, you know what the U.P. is. I, unfortunately, had never been there. And man alive, what a happy day it was when I realized I could now join in on conversations about this glorious land! Before I simply said, yeah, I've heard its awesome. Now, I can say with confidence, the U.P. is the bomb. Totally, ridiculously, fantastically awesome. Dream land. This is where you want to spend an extended amount of time if you love the woods and towns where animals out-number people. And where the alaskan husky dogs/puppies run and run and run some more.
Imagine being on trail, back in the woods with 14 dogs pulling an ATV in neutral, during the fall color leaf-changing season.That is where I spent the happiest moments of my weekend. Besides giving some love to the fantastic dogs, watching them run is by far the next best thing. They are amazing! I want 20 of them. Well, actually, I want 40 acres of land in the forest only accessible by 4-wheeler where I can keep 20 of them, to be exact. Yeah, without a doubt, I found that my soul-mate is covered in hair, has a wet-nose, big beautiful eyes, a long wagging tail, and winter running instincts.

My good friend, who graciously took me to the land of woods and dogs, will now have to put up with a girl who is jumping out of her skin to head back... whooops... She definitely should have thought twice about finding me my soulmate... : )

Cheers, U.P., you are are quite spectacular! Can't wait to return to your woodsy ways.

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