Thursday, September 22, 2011

Run fast

I can run again. I can run, and run fast again.

    So, I fractured a bone in my foot during the middle of July, and was in a walking boot for 6 weeks and didn't run for 8 weeks. It was torture. Absolute torture. I tried LOTS of different kinds of exercise, and nothing worked. Nothing felt the same as running. I swam, and biked, and rowed, and tried to keep doing p90x.(Upper-body stuff at least) But I always came to the same conclusion... Running is the ultimate work-out of all time and nothing will ever compare.
    Needless to say, God threw the bone fracture in my path as a way to say, stop taking running for granted. You have two gloriously wonderful feet that will take you many places, but now, you must rest and get to know what life is like WITHOUT two gloriously wonderful feet. Lesson learned. I will never, EVER, take the simple act of running for granted, ever again.
   This morning, I got up and put on my fall weather running garb. (This requires my special felt headband that I got at Target from the little kids section for $2.) I slipped on my vibrams ('toe shoes') and bounded out the door. I proceeded to blast into the early morning darkness and immediately feel 'home'. Really, I felt all the most ridiculously cheesy things that you could come up with, all rolled into one. Free, happy, giddy, peaceful, excited, soothed, flying, strong, brave, fierce, whole. I felt together again. Like all of my thoughts clicked together, into a straight line. Nothing was hounding me in the back of my mind. Nothing was keeping me from experiencing the act of moving one foot in front of the other. I was in the moment. Running with a clear conscience. I was savoring the chilly morning. I wasn't taking it for granted.

   Such a blessing. I know I'm being sappy, but too bad. I will be sappy happy for as long as possible.

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