Wednesday, July 25, 2012


The dentist scares me.

I actually feel a bit better now that I have admitted that...

Anyways, I've always been nervous that the next time I go they will tell me my teeth are rotting out of my face and I will be toothless by 30. Why I feel like that, I don't know... Because they use sharp drills on a regular basis and charge you lots of money for it??? Maybe...

Well, I went today and I am alive to tell the tale. The dentist was super nice and didn't make me feel too awful for having a cavity. But he did tell me that he could fashion a Scarlet Letter C for me, if I really felt that guilty. Ha. No thanks! I'll pass.

Maybe I'm just happy I conquered a fear of mine. Not that I can do anything fantabulous now because I went to the dentist, (except I can chew on the left side of my mouth without pain! heck yeah!) but I am really not afraid to go back, if need be. Hooozzzaaahhh!!

And that makes me superbly happy. Erasing fears. Something I should make a part of my day, every day.

Do something that you are afraid of today, because you might not be afraid of it tomorrow.


Here is my article of the week:

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sad Heart

I cannot believe what I read in the news today. My heart hurts. I do not understand.

Here is the article:

If you have not already read, a 24 year old man went into a movie theater in Colorado and shot 12 people, injuring close to 40 or more. The youngest injured being a 3 month old baby.

Every moment we have here on this earth is precious.

My thoughts and prayers will be with the families.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Oh my gosh, I’m a terrible biker. I feel like I may have discussed this before, but it needs to emphasized. However, the fact that I’m a terrible biker just makes me laugh, because currently, I’m commuting to work… on my bicycle…

I mean, it is a great source of physical activity! Without meaning to, you get an extra workout in for the day. Especially when you live in Duluth and work down by the lake, yet live on a hill far, far away from the lake. The bike ride home will be one full of agony, hills, maybe some tears when you fall over trying to balance yourself on the bike at a major intersection with lots of cars, and sweat. BOOYAH, extra workout. And then that beer I have for dinner will just balance everything out nicely…

I haven’t gotten honked at yet, that is probably a good thing.

And biking just makes me happy. Zooming down these hills helps me appreciate my body in an entirely different way then running. I passed a few cars going down Woodland Ave this morning. I do not care how fast you are, you cannot do that while running. I just kept thinking about my lungs and my legs too. They work. I can push the limits of my physical strength pretty far.

So, what if I couldn’t bike anymore? What if I couldn’t run anymore? What if my physical strength and ability were gone?

That is what I thought about when I got to work today. WHOA. DEEP THOUGHT.

I grew up with a sister who did not have the physical strength to do many things. And it boggles my mind how I can still be so selfish and unappreciative of the gifts God has given me sometimes. My legs and my lungs are amazing gifts.

I cannot forget that.

Maybe that is why I go for a run in the morning when I’m half asleep and I bike to work even though I stink at it. At least I am using these gifts of mine.

Go do something active, and try to smile when you’re doing it.

People will think you are up to something 

Friday, July 6, 2012


Mosh pit? Does anyone realllllyyy like a mosh pit? I feel like the answer is no. Well, maybe you don't like them if you would rather live in the woods... too close to people... too much personal space, gone... 

Tonight, I was at the epic Basilica Block Party in St. Paul. I came for friendship and for enjoying some good tunes together. It did not disappoint. The weather turned out to be great. Happy, swaying people. Bobbing along to the music. So nice. 


Everyone started getting crazy. I swear I had a large sign that said, "Please walk in front of me. Please form a line, and continue to walk in front of me, no matter where I am among the pack of people." I also think I had one that said, "Tall men, come stand in front of me so I can't see ANYTHING" 


But it still was hilarious. Girls dancing in long dresses, slightly tipsy but singing loud. Couples swaying together to the music. Kids on adults shoulders. (p.s. WHO BRINGS THEIR CHILDREN TO A DRUNK MUSIC FEST??) And tall dudes with big muscles pretending like they knew how to dance. It was great. :)

Chill and relaxing. I mean, who doesn't like Train? Heck yeah! 

Cheers to Friday. Yay for beating the heat.