Monday, January 30, 2012


The heart. It fascinates me. It is my favorite subject to study. Hands down. Mainly because it is the organ that keeps me alive, but also, every beat of my heart is unique to me. 

Yeah. Believe it. 

 When I was in grade school, playing basketball, a mother of a fellow teammate asked my dad, "what do you feed that girl?" (I must have been playing my typical haphazard style of b-ball, i.e. run all over the court, sprawling for balls, skinning knees, and giving 5,000%) My dad responded with "Heart, we feed her heart." 

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to be sentimental. Deal with it...

I want to do a research study to see if heart size is actually related to how giving and caring of a person you are. The idea has been thrown around for thousands of years. Ancient rulers and kings in the Bible were referred to as having a 'hard heart', not willing to listen or accept change. Not freely giving of what they had. So their heart must have been tiny, right? And not willing to expand? Do you think they had a lower body temperature too?  Cold heart... 

For some crazy reason, these things are floating around in my head (Really, they are) when I should be concentrating on Purkinje fibers, the SA node,and which direction oxygenated blood vs. de-oxygenated blood is flowing... But sometimes I can't concentrate. I want to know the conceptual meaning of 'heart' too. Like how long you put your heart on the line for someone. And how long do you let them take care of it, before you yank it back because it's becoming all smashed and smushed. 

Yet, I think your heart can learn to grow. All hope is not lost. It feeds off of different experiences and draws from examples set forth from people before you. It won't be frozen and tiny forever.

But it's important to care, and give freely with a whole heart, because you will learn about yourself in the process. 

Happy Monday, have a heart 

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