Wednesday, November 30, 2011


 Who has heard the phrase, "to be found wanting." ?? Any takers? Well, what about "to be found lacking". Bet no one has heard of that one. I just made it up. So humor me here, and keep reading. I'll explain.

  Countless times I have found myself going through the every day life, not sad, but not feeling like I'm truly living. Taking each day for semi-granted and not feeling that extra oommph, hoostpa, vvavoom! Ya know what I mean? Anyways, I feel like I've been "found lacking." Lacking passion and appreciation for everything and everyone around me. Until this morning...

  So I was "studying" in the living room with my roommate last night; she was working on a project. In typical Andrea-fashion, I totally passed out on the floor, for two and a half hours. It was 12:30am. Great. I had to get up at 5:45am to go for a yog before work at 8am. Lame. So, I stumbled all the way back, in the creepy darkness to my room, and flopped on the bed, only to be wide awake. Seriously? Seriously??? oh well. For some reason my body is ridiculous and my legs were twitching even before my alarm went off at 5:45am. Fine. I rolled out of bed, threw on running garments, (yesterday was a bit nipply, so i bundled up a bit more) and hit the streets. In total darkness. Woooeeee.

  Sorry, you're probably thinking, "get on with it! what's this lacking biz-nass?"

  It was glorious. My run was absolutely glorious. Dark, as if in the middle of the night, stars shining, and quiet. So quiet. I ran up from my apartment, and kept going up. Up to skyline and over to Enger Tower and Piedmont, then down down down to the highway and into Canal Park and back to my apartment. As I was up on the ridge, looking over Lake Superior, and the slight purple/red-ish bliss of the ever approaching sunrise came into view, I lacked nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. Supremely glad I was alive and running. So blessed to have the ability to do so. And I said a prayer of thanksgiving. A thank-you to the One who has created it all, who sent His Son for ME. The weirdo who is running in the dark on the side of a cliff at 6am. Yep, even for me.

  And when I got to work this morning? My email devotion, guess what it was about? Lacking. How I, as a believer, am lacking nothing because of God's undeserved love for me. This is my confidence. This is my "ooomph", my "hoosstpa!"

  "To be found lacking." <---- needs never to apply to me. :D 

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