Saturday, December 1, 2012


Theme. This has been the theme of the last week. And it’s ridiculous how many things can be revealed when you look at them… honestly…

I strive to be an honest person. But the key word in that phrase is ‘strive’, meaning it doesn’t always happen. The moment you give up the clarity that comes with being honest, is the moment you will regret whatever happens next. I feel like I’m speaking slightly in code… but I think you know what I mean.

Turning your eyes away from a situation that you don’t want to deal with and rationalizing that situation in your head to turn it in your favor, doesn’t really ever bring true peace. It just prolongs the truth from revealing itself, thereby creating new issues until you are knee deep in a lie (not necessarily a fabrication, but a situation that you really don't want to be a part of), begging for someone to figure it out so you can be set free.

Now, throughout this last week I cannot pinpoint major instances that I have been telling lies (I know, you’re all waiting for juicy secrets to be revealed), but by thinking about what I wanted to rant about this week, honesty and truth came to mind.  Hoping to maybe inspire myself and others to find a way to tell the truth, let go of something that maybe has been weighing on your mind.

Ok, example:

I spoke with an old friend of mine this week, one that I haven’t spoken to since like 2007. I know, crazy blast-from-the-past reconnection!!! Anyways, there were a couple of points that we touched on that completely shot holes through my own perceptions of, and got me thinking about, my family in a different perspective, my job in a new light, and how where I’m living really makes me feel.

I didn’t sugar-coat anything during that conversation. Just straight up BOOM


And in my opinion, you have to do that every once in a while to get a grasp-on and savor the beautiful life that you are walking through.

Without it, unique experiences and renewed perspective on the same-old, same-old may never happen.

So, go ruminate on your life and find little nuggets of awesomeness that you might not have thought existed this morning.


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