Friday, June 15, 2012


Who wants to go for a run with me tomorrow at 5am? Oh yeah! That's right! 6,000 other people want to come along. Super sweet

Yep. Grandma's Marathon weekend has arrived in Duluth. This weekend always makes me laugh. Especially when you go down to the DECC to pick up your race packet. You are bound to see some ridiculously awesome runner people. Like the lady I saw who was picking up every type of energy bar she could find and tossing it back into the pile heartily disgruntled as she exclaimed "Not enough fiber! I need at LEAST 20 grams in one bar!" Her friend came up to her and gave her a pair of glasses, and as she put them on, spontaneously yelled, "Oh. I guess I could do with 10 grams". Bahahaha. What does she want to do? Stop and go number 2 every three miles because she has so much FIBER in her system????? Weird. I kind of oogled her, and kept walking. Some people look like they could kick my butt any day of the week, and others, not so much. You will see people holding hands while each one of them is holding a race packet. Oh for cute. They are running together. You will see people holding hands and pushing strollers and holding race packets. And then I thought to myself, what are they doing with the kids in the strollers while they run the race together? Hmmm... And then you see people who have orange tans and bleach blonde hair and you think, ooooo, you are not from around here... But it is the happiness in everyone's eyes that I can't get over. They are truly pumped to be there. Whether they have run this race 10 times before, or if this is their first time, doesn't matter. The buzz of happy running is in the air.

What makes this race special for me, is the fact that I'm running it for the cancer patients and families who cannot. I have always wanted to contribute to something that is waaay bigger then myself. And I get to do that tomorrow. Sweet. 

So hopefully is doesn't monsoon tomorrow morning while we wait to start. And then become 800 degrees outside and then monsoon again...

Cheers to a happy, run filled weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo! Go Girl! :) Hope to "run" into you tomorrow! I'll be running the half with my sister Liz and my brother-in-law Brian.
