Friday, May 4, 2012


I am such a basket-case sometimes. Oh my word. I continually chalk it up to being "new" to my job.

I've been here a year...

Well, in the matters of learning new things at work, I am top-notch panic city. You would think after being here a year, the overwhelming desire to flee the building would go away, or at least subside. But alas, it is not so. I always say I am open to learning anything and everything, but in the end, I'm not willing to take on the minor-panic-freak-out-I-made-a-mistake situations. I want to know how to do it right from the beginning, and not make any errors, when I have no idea what I'm doing. Ba! Talk about uptight-basket-case. IN ORDER TO LEARN YOU (MOST OF THE TIME) HAVE TO MAKE MISTAKES.

You would think after knowing this about myself for the past, hmm, FOREVER, I would somehow be able to cope with the situation when it presents itself. I'm good at doing that later. Like making chocolate chip cookies after work and going on a long-extended run in the morning before work. But this doesn't help, at all, when you need to deal with a minor crisis that very moment at work. I can't stand in front of my computer and casually glaze into oblivion or run around my department in distress shredding paper into little tiny bits and flinging them wherever I walk (however, it would be hilarious). I need to be level-headed and make a decision that is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. The key is not to become emotionally attached. Me? Become emotional unattached? WHAT? HOW? I need enlightenment.

I feel it all rolls back to who is really in charge, though. NOT ME. Christ is. He is leading me, He is giving me the strength to handle whatever comes my way. I am not on my own. I do not have to get emotionally attached to data points and cry in the corner or under my desk, when one of my entries was made in error. God doesn't want me to trust in myself. That's pointless. I need to trust in Him.

There is my enlightenment. DUH. Just give it up to Jesus.

Don't panic today. Make a mistake. Learn. Cheers!

Here is my article. This woman is crazy:

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