Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Not-So-Unexpected Big Picture

I believe happiness is found in unexpected moments of our every day life.

Lots of people have told me this over the years.You hear it in plenty of songs, too. "It's the little things" that make a difference, that you live for, that you want more of.

Well, yeah.

The little golden nuggets of pure bliss are not necessarily part of the every day norm. That is why they need to be cherished. Our lives were never set up to be overly joyous and happy. I don't mean that in a morose, depressing way, but just that it is the truth. The earth became tainted when Adam and Eve ate the fruit.

Euphoria became "the daily grind" because they sinned.

So... beautiful experiences that bring such joy should never truly be expected, because when they do happen, we can realize that God is blessing us at that exact moment. He is showing His true love for us by graciously giving us a moment of awesome.

- Like twirling in sparkle dresses with a 3.5 year old in front of a large mirror, and then getting horrendously beaten at a memory-card matching game later on in the evening, by the 3.5 year old.

- And witnessing a friend's over-the-top happiness as they kiss their significant other on New Year's Eve,

- And feeling a friend's baby kick and move around inside of her beautiful, pregnant belly,

- And coming to the realize while running under the stars that you don't need to keep fighting to find your own happiness anymore, because God knows when to dish the awesome.

While slogging through the snow filled streets tonight, I thought of a way to break it down. Every time I have a epiphany and feel like I'm looking at something from the "big picture", I gain a millimeter of extra space on my current view of where I'm headed in life. So, if I've had 8 good epiphanies a year for the last 5 years, I've gained 40 millimeters of extra enlightenment on my overall "big picture".

There are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter. There are 2.54 centimeters in one inch.

Therefore, over the past 5 years, I've gained almost 2 inches...

God is infinite, and He..., well He created my 'big picture'

Who do you want to leave your life up to?

Yourself and all of two inches...

Or the one who can see everything...

Yeah. I know which one I'm picking. I hope you do, too.


1 comment:

  1. Life begins smaller than a poppy seed. 2 inches seems pretty amazingly wonderfully huge to that little poppy seed!! Here's to each and every millimeter of joy :)
