Tuesday, November 20, 2012

In the dark

Ok. A few words on night running. In a neighborhood full of dogs, never run without a headlamp. You will for surely get eaten.

I had an epic adventure last night as I was cruising through the cul-de-sacs of my happy little neighborhood. Unfortunately, this is not because I had an amazing running buddy by my side, or because I helped an old lady cross the street in the dark, or because I face-planted in the moonlight. (I know you were all waiting for that one)

Nope. It became epic when I started getting chased by multiple dogs, while simultaneously being barked at to the point of irrational fear. In the dark.

Yes, I know I should not have been wearing all black as to impersonate a stealth ninja, and yes, it was my fault for not wearing my headlamp. But come on, does that really mean that I have to be tackled, growled and barked at for running near the beasts? I didn’t really want to stealthily capture all the doggies in the neighborhood, I swear.

Yet I supposedly gave off a strong, “eat me” odor to about 7 different dogs during my run. Yes, 7. I counted. 4 yellow lab-ish looking dogs, 1 very angry terrier looking thing, and 2 fluffy-punt-me-if-you-can squirrelly pups. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. But for some reason, since I’m invading their territory by running, they bound towards me in return with fangs bared looking to devour my calves. And with all my endorphins and nerves amplified, the incessant barking and growling makes me want to scream slightly hysterically and flee… fast.

I did, however, make it home in one piece. No limbs were eaten. But I learned an epic lesson:

Wear a headlamp in the dark (duh) and when you don’t, run really fast.

Happy Thanksgiving week! Hope everyone has an amazingly awesome time eating food, watching football, and napping!

Oh, and most importantly, say thank you to Jesus for allowing you to do so.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The feeling of accomplishment never lingers as long as you think it should.

Working on a project, doesn’t matter what it is, can make any lame day purposeful. Yet, finishing that project and still having to trudge on, now project-less, just sort-of sucks. The days don’t seem as meaningful and the ever hated question, “What am I doing?” rolls around in my mind wrecking havoc on my bored soul. Needless to say, it’s not really a delightful pick me up…

Why can’t I be content with the daily grind?  (I know, kind of a stupid question)

This question has plagued my heart for the last year. This is a struggle-fest that I’m developing a hefty loathing for because I honestly can’t figure it out or make it go away. I have a desire to be involved in work that means something, or is creating/developing change for someone else. Technically, I’m doing that, but entering data into the computer doesn’t help me maintain any self-worth. Totally just makes me feel like a monkey that anyone could come and replace with another monkey and no one would know what happened.

Bleh. That is morosely negative and depressing.

Anyways, you know what I mean. Boring job + no project = too much time to think

So, I’m sure you’re screaming by now, “GET A PROJECT GOING THEN!” I know. This phrase is shouting in my head constantly when I’m in my pajamas at 7pm watching Scrubs on Netflix. (yeah, I totally just said that) But I’m being stubborn and particular about which projects I want to do. Now isn’t that just stupid… Especially since divulging into pretty much ANYTHING at the moment will help satiate my bored soul with meaningfulness.

I have a phrase taped up in my cubicle. It goes something like this:

"Dream big, DAGNABBIT. Then, get off your tuckus and take action daily."

I need to duct-tape this to my forehead, I think. Then, everyone who comes near me can read it off my face and maybe I will become motivated when the 10th person tells me to get off my tuckus and DO SOMETHING.

Ok, I think I just found myself a project…

Cheers to Wednesday. Hope everyone makes it over the hump.