Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Live for Him

I don’t feel like I am living my life for Christ on a daily basis.


Why not? What is holding me back from giving up my life to serve Him?

My own thoughts and ambitions. Simple as that. I am trying to figure out what “my career” should be, and while doing so, I am turning everything inward on MYSELF.



Christ is asking me to put all of my confidence in HIM to live each day. ALL OF MY TRUST. Not in my money, not in my job, not in my food, not in my drink, not in my running, not in my writing, not in my own brain power, not in my own ANYTHING.

I need to devote my LIFE to HIM.

I am struggling with this concept, hard core. It is not easy for my brain to wrap around it anymore. I once grew up believing that I was walking in Christ’s footsteps every day, because I was surrounded by many Christians who believed the same things I did, so I had no reason to think I wasn’t living my life for Christ.

But now, I live and work in an environment that is SO NOT OF MY SAME FAITH. This may sound ridiculously obvious, but is now sticking out to me like a sore thumb. Not in the sense that I am any better than anyone for believing that Jesus is my Savior. No. What is clearly sticking out to me is how I’ve decided to “blend-in” and “go with the flow” on daily matters and interactions in my office space when I could be witnessing. Am I living and acting in a way that anyone would think I am a Christian? Would they be able to set me apart and say to themselves after they have had a conversation with me, “I know she is a believer”.

If I was to be honest with myself, and this makes my heart HURT, they might not think so.

A co-worker of mine found out I was a Christian via my blog. Not because I had been getting to know her better for the last couple months.

This is like a Homer Simpson “DOH” moment times ten, where I slap my palm to my forehead in a disgusted tone. REALLY? I’ve been acting that ridiculously stupid at work, that in my own daily actions, this person couldn’t tell I was a Christian? They had to learn I was via the internet?



So now is the time for a RADICAL change of my every day actions.

Christ did not come to this earth to set up a “religion” of people to practice prayers and sing songs in a certain way. No.

Christ came to earth to set up His Kingdom.  

Going against the grain to live a life for Christ is never, ever going to be easy. It shouldn’t be. He is asking us to pursue Him in a way that is completely backwards to whatever majority says.

So, I want to look myself in the mirror EACH MORNING and remember that I am saved by the grace of God and LIVE AND WORK each day accordingly.

I repeatedly act like an insanely stupid Christian, yet I am still saved.


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