Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Live for Him

I don’t feel like I am living my life for Christ on a daily basis.


Why not? What is holding me back from giving up my life to serve Him?

My own thoughts and ambitions. Simple as that. I am trying to figure out what “my career” should be, and while doing so, I am turning everything inward on MYSELF.



Christ is asking me to put all of my confidence in HIM to live each day. ALL OF MY TRUST. Not in my money, not in my job, not in my food, not in my drink, not in my running, not in my writing, not in my own brain power, not in my own ANYTHING.

I need to devote my LIFE to HIM.

I am struggling with this concept, hard core. It is not easy for my brain to wrap around it anymore. I once grew up believing that I was walking in Christ’s footsteps every day, because I was surrounded by many Christians who believed the same things I did, so I had no reason to think I wasn’t living my life for Christ.

But now, I live and work in an environment that is SO NOT OF MY SAME FAITH. This may sound ridiculously obvious, but is now sticking out to me like a sore thumb. Not in the sense that I am any better than anyone for believing that Jesus is my Savior. No. What is clearly sticking out to me is how I’ve decided to “blend-in” and “go with the flow” on daily matters and interactions in my office space when I could be witnessing. Am I living and acting in a way that anyone would think I am a Christian? Would they be able to set me apart and say to themselves after they have had a conversation with me, “I know she is a believer”.

If I was to be honest with myself, and this makes my heart HURT, they might not think so.

A co-worker of mine found out I was a Christian via my blog. Not because I had been getting to know her better for the last couple months.

This is like a Homer Simpson “DOH” moment times ten, where I slap my palm to my forehead in a disgusted tone. REALLY? I’ve been acting that ridiculously stupid at work, that in my own daily actions, this person couldn’t tell I was a Christian? They had to learn I was via the internet?



So now is the time for a RADICAL change of my every day actions.

Christ did not come to this earth to set up a “religion” of people to practice prayers and sing songs in a certain way. No.

Christ came to earth to set up His Kingdom.  

Going against the grain to live a life for Christ is never, ever going to be easy. It shouldn’t be. He is asking us to pursue Him in a way that is completely backwards to whatever majority says.

So, I want to look myself in the mirror EACH MORNING and remember that I am saved by the grace of God and LIVE AND WORK each day accordingly.

I repeatedly act like an insanely stupid Christian, yet I am still saved.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The morning after...

So this weekend... I hung out in the woods for a while and ran around a bit... 32 miles later, I finished a task that to me had always seemed rather impossible.

Well, hello there ultramarathon! It's nice to meet you...

I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into. When a good friend of mine said that we should do the Wild Duluth 50k together, I immediately said, "WOOOO! Yes please!" and then sort of forgot about it because I was really just going along with the insane idea during the car ride. Ha.

But of course, the thought stuck with me. What would it be like? The Hercules "Go the Distance" song came to mind- "I can go the distance, I don't care how far, somehow I'll be strong. I know every mile will be worth my while"...



Around mile 28 it went something like:

"WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS?!!!!!!!!????" and


Needless to say, my body was desperate to stop. No more cookies, peanut butter sandwiches, grapes or Mountain Lightning (yes, this is a trail race, Mountain Dew is too 'high class') were going to make me feel like going any farther. Bless my crew-woman, "Just a 5k, Andrea, all you have left is a little more then a 5k". And I'm completely thinking, "5K MY ASS" "I don't want to run anymore, who wants to run anymore?"

But I couldn't stop. I had to finish. I was not about to let 5 and a half hours of trail running go down the tubes...


Somehow, I chugged a little more Mountain Lightning (barf, but it was the 'nectar of the gods' on Sat.) and waddled up to Enger Tower, because it was all down-hill from there...

One would think down-hill would be great by then! WOOO HOOO. Rollll it down-hill! Heck yes!

Ah, not so much. It felt more like stabbing knives in my quads. Or like a 3 year old pushing really hard on a purple bruise on your leg and laughing because it makes you double over in pain. Yeah, something like that.

But I made it. Stumbled down the hill and crossed the finish line in Bayfront. I had two great friends there to congratulate me on finishing. No huge throngs of people. No loud cheering. Just a few happy faces and the volunteers for Bentleyville watching on with crazed looks on their faces...

And the joy of running became completely apparent as I woke up on Sunday and couldn't move.

Literally. Looked from side to side as I'm face down in my pillow and thought to myself, "I can't get up" Like the movie "The Christmas Story" where the younger brother is wrapped up in 3 snow-suits and can't put his arms down and when he gets outside, he falls over and is rolling all over the ground and yelling to Ralphie, "I can't get up!! Ralphie, I can't get up!" Yeah. Something like that...

Suits me right. I kind of asked for it...

I just love running


Go do something you've never done and be happy about it

Friday, October 12, 2012

Real Food

I have been reading the book “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan. It is quite awesome and if you ever get the chance to read it, please do. I think you will find yourself enlightened.

I did at least.

It is all about how our food has become processed to the point of not being ‘food’ anymore, but rather ‘food products’ because of the added ingredients coming from mostly corn and soybeans.

Sad. And gross.

It makes me want to flee the city, buy a small house with lots of acres, run my own organic farm, and live off the grid in happy-contented-hippie solitude.

Yeah, I know. The hippie thing. I need to let it go. But I just don’t want to. My idea of hippiedom does not involve any growing of a certain plant associated with that era. I do like long skirts, basically because they feel like pajamas, and I will occasionally flash a peace sign to strangers who honk their horn at me while I’m running.

The real reason why I have an internal desire to be a hippie is because I associate it in my mind to some sort of living freedom. Freedom from the confines of my lame cubicle walls, lame desk job, and everything else related to working for a huge conglomerate corporation that is slowly sucking the life out of me. 

Yep. Living on a farm sustaining myself with nature sounds WAY BETTER!

So, I leave you with this:

‘Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.’

I feel our entire nation would be happier if we at least tried to abide by those rules.

Cheers to Friday! May your weekend be filled with some epic version of good, nurturing, soul food. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Let it be known that I love Mumford and Sons. I would gladly feed their pet dogs or turtles (if they have any) in exchange for hearing them play live. Yes. I would. Don’t judge me.

As it so happens, their new album came out last week and I have been listening to it constantly since Sept. 25th when I received it in the mail, at work, because I pre-ordered it that way. Again, I love Mumford and Sons.

Because I've been listening to it straight for the last week, all of the songs are on repeat in my brain whenever I am not listening to them. The only time this occurs is when I am running, because I like listening to nature when I run. Well, nature sounds have taken refuge for a different day in the future when the Mumford songs in my head have taken a break. (who knows when that will be) Anyways, I digress. The moral of my story is that whatever I have been doing for the past week has been done while Mumford is blasting loudly in my ears with our without headphones.

Yesterday was no different. Every Wednesday for a few weeks in the fall, there are trail races that take place all over Duluth. You pay $1 and run a race, ranging from 3 miles to upwards of 6 miles. THIS IS THE BEST USE OF YOUR MONEY IN DULUTH. In my opinion, at least. :) And so, being that it was Wednesday yesterday, I got to run in the woods with friends and at the same time, have Mumford on repeat.

The race was in a little nature area by the UMD campus. One that has forever been used for 5k’s promoting spring and fall health to the many college students. I’ve ran the course a few other times. It has usually kicked my behind because they make you run 2 laps in this nature area while scaling the same mountain hill, twice. I don’t like running laps, because what usually happens to me is that I blast through the first lap, and die a slow running death during the second lap. Yeah. Painful.

Except that last night was different. I had just finished a ridiculously stupid day at work and had a bit of pent-up energy. I bicycled to the race, was good and warm, had an amazing cheering section there for me, and took off when they said ‘go’. I didn’t think about the lame hills ahead. I just paced myself to what felt good. I paced myself to the music of Mumford. And when I was racing up the mountain hill (twice) and all the blood was running to other parts of my body, which left me deaf in one ear, (yes, really, I lose hearing in my right ear when I’m running as hard as I can) I made it to the top without stopping. Because I was pacing to the beautiful music of Mumford. Bless them.

I hope all of you have a band that makes you just as happy. If you don’t, start listening to Mumford. They will make your heart happy.

I promise.

Really, go now, and check out their new album. Especially tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12.
