Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Christmas has come! Christ is born! Let us all celebrate his birth! For through Him, we are saved, both now and forevermore. SO AMAZING!

But I titled this Family, why? Because my family, my parents, are the ones who have brought me up and raised me in this truth! Our strong relationship is because of this little baby that was born to save us all! I can't fathom it most days, but when were are all together in the same room on Christmas day, passing gifts to each other and laughing about what we all have received, love floods my soul. Yes, LOVE. The little word that sends some people screaming for the highlands, but also brings people together and is a vehicle to express happiness and good things. 

Love? Why is she talking about Love? This is sappy and lame. (you must all be thinking this)

Because I am a girl. And love is how I can express my gratitude and thankfulness to those around me, who care about me. It moves me. Love moves me. In my crazy noggin', love and family is so intertwined. When I think of family, love is right there. When I think of love, family comes to mind. 

Ok, ok. Enough. I think you get the picture. Yet...

Think of a heart, and the word Family written inside of it...  Ta da! That's what love looks like to me. 

I don't know how I will ever repay my parents for what they have done for me. My heart is filled with appreciation, and all I want to do is give back to them. But all I can do right now, (until I magically become filthy rich as a doctor(maybe?) and can fly them to the bahamas) is share a strong relationship in Christ and love with them, because that is what they have always shared with me. 

If you are in arms length of one of your parents today (or a brother or sister or grandparent or aunt/uncle for that matter), suck it up and give them a hug. I know I would. : D I'm sure they will appreciate it. (If not, kudos to you for getting within arms length of a relative!)  

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Baking. Its one of the things that has kept me from going insane lately. Seriously. I've had a couple of loooong days at work the past two weeks, and one of the things (besides someone whose name begins with a C) that has really helped, is baking glorious food (for said person whose name begins with a C).

Make some gingerbread, it's the holidays

Gingerbread cookies (adapted recipe from the most glorious baker of all, Betty Crocker)

1 cup cold water
1/3 cup of shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 1/4 cups of molasses
1/4 cup of honey
1 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
7 cups of flour
2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. cloves
1/2 tsp. garam masala

Combine first five ingredients and beat them together really well. If you cream the brown sugar and the shortening first, it works a lot better to add the wet ingredients gradually. Then you just beat that to oblivion. Add the spices and salt and baking soda, and finally the flour. I did it in groups of 2 cups at a time, so I wouldn't over mix it. At the end, you have to use your muscles to kind of wrestle it all together. You will have gingerbread coming out of your ears. But don't fear, it's delicious.

Divide the dough in two, wrap it up, and refrigerate it for two hours. (If you're in a hurry like I was, stick it in the freezer til its cold) Then, pull out one section at a time (otherwise you just defeated the whole purpose in refrigerating it) and roll it out onto a floured surface to your desired thickness (the thinner it is, the crispier the cookie). Make sure the surface is REALLY floured. Otherwise the dough will stick and be sad. Then, use fun cookie cutters to make awesome cookies. Bake at 350 for anywhere from 7 to 10 minutes based on the thickness of the dough.

Frost with your fave frosting and sprinkle on some happiness.

Yay for delicious eats. Try them, you will have to eat at least 5...