Sunday, January 24, 2016


It's almost February, but I've been thinking about this last year, 2015, for some reason today. Just sitting and reviewing it all. Because it was one of the most amazing and challenging years that I've had in a while.

Chris and I got engaged January 4th, 2015.

I started my first job as a new nurse in February.

Meanwhile, Chris is in school to become a nurse too, but let's plan a wedding. Yes. Let's.

Oh, why not plan a honeymoon to Africa? Yes. Let's add that too.

Qualified for Boston at the Minneapolis Marathon at the end of May. Yay!

Look, it's August, Chris is graduating from nursing school!

Then the most sunshiny, happy, friend and family filled day occurred. Our wedding September 19th.

Chris started his first RN job in October!

Oh look, it's November! Let's go to Africa and climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Sweet.

December. I started and passed my chemotherapy certification at work. Professional goal, check.

How humbling, right? To take a look back at the year that has come and gone. Mostly because we can get so caught up in the stress of it all, that we miss the bigger picture.

I got married. I changed my name.

I found someone that adds so much happiness and adventure to my life. Someone who supports my plans and encourages me to reach even higher. Someone who constantly wants to make me happy and puts my needs before his own. He will not end his day unless he knows I'm ok and we're ok.

Life in review. This beautiful and ever changing path that we are on; it deserves documentation. To remind us of how blessed we are that we get to keep living it day after day. Even when it's hard. Even when we don't know how we are going to get through it all.

Because each experience matters. I believe there is a purpose, something to learn, something to gain, from what we go through. To share, to give, to offer. You never know how you may impact someone because of what you went through.